"Whenever a warrior decides to do something, he must go all the way, but he must take responsibility for what he does. No matter what he does, he must know first why he is doing it, and then he must proceed with his actions without having doubts or remorse about them." - Carlos Castaneda

From Author: My first story set in Latin America and definitely not the last. 29042011.

SC: El Hegemonia

Hour Zero , Panama City, Panama, Earth [Sol], (1200 hrs EST) 29062060

                PLA General Hon lifted his hand and the entire room fell silent. The room was filled with delegates from every Latin American nation and moments before they had been arguing over the Chinese proposal to join the hegemony. The room was spacious with a large “C” shaped table in the center, this table faced a large window with a commanding view of the Panama Canal. The room had no decorations aside from the flags of each Latin nation represented at the table. Standing by each national flag were two soldiers from that country; they wore immaculate uniforms and served both as flag bearers and bodyguards. Each nation had two delegates on the table who sat together. One was usually a civilian representative and the other was a senior military official.

               General Hon strode into the middle area of the “C” shaped table and took off his heavy black trench coat and tossed it aside. His neatly pressed uniform was lined with rows of ribbons and medals and at his side he carried an American revolver with a pearl handle. Everyone at the summit was supposed to be unarmed, but he had brought the weapon anyways. The Panamanian security detail had either been intimidated by the PLA representative or just didn't care. General Hon removed his cover revealed his bald head and deep black eyes. He began to speak to the delegates in rapid fire mandarin and the translators tried hard to keep up with him as they converted it into Spanish or Portuguese over the delegates headsets.

               “I am General Hon of the People's Liberation Army and I am head of the Hegemony Armed Forces Command. You have before you our proposal to join the Hegemony. The world you all once knew is now gone and this is your only chance to become part of the new world order. The time of the imperialist dogs and the Yankee cockroach is over.” Hon finally paused and allowed the translators to catch up. “China wants military commitments from all of your nations, great and small, to crush the Yankees and their allies. You have twenty-four hours to contemplate your nations position in the war. If you do not reply in that time we will assume you are a belligerent power against the Hegemony. It is in your best interest... in your national interest to choose your side wisely.”

                General Hon put his cover back on and the doors to the room swung open. Two large black clad soldiers entered the room in full body encasing armor. Their bright red mechanical eyes scanned the room of terrified delegates. The mysterious soldiers each held a massive machine gun in one arm with ease. The only clue to the mystery soldiers origin was a red armband on that right arm that bore Chinese symbols. The Latin American soldiers who stood stern faced by their flags, now looked visibly shaken by the Chinese super soldiers. The Latin American soldiers whispered amongst themselves and stared at the Chinese super soldiers with a mix of fear and awe. The Latin Americans in the room had never seen anything like it or even knew something like them existed. They looked like mechanical demons straight out of hell.

                  “Gloria para la Hegemonia!” The two Chinese soldiers yelled together in Spanish. Their booming metallic voice filling the room. They approached their General and saluted him. Their red eyes now glowed brighter as if red flames were shooting out of their eyes in its intensity.

                  General Hon lifted his coat off the ground and walked out of the room with the two PLA soldiers following closely behind. Just before General Hon left he turned around slightly and simply said, “twenty-four hours.”

                  The delegates in the room sat in stunned silence and said nothing to one another as they packed up and left to their respective embassy's.

Hour 18, Mexican Embassy to Panama, Panama City, Panama, Earth [Sol], 30062060

                 “Any word from the other nation's?” Mexican Vice President Santos said as he tossed the Chinese proposal on the table.

                 “Not from all of them, but what I do know is that Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize will honor whatever Mexico decides to do.” The other delegate General Rios of the Federal Mexican Army replied.

                 “That's reassuring... what about the other major powers?”

                 “Brazil won't say anything. I have no idea which way they'll go since their government is under so much internal strife. No one knows who's in charge.”


                 “Argentina was the first to join the Hegemony. Barely an hour after the summit was over.”

                 “Damn Argentinians, they would do anything to restore their imagined greater Argentina.”

                 “What about Colombia?”

                 “Colombia not only rejected the proposal, but they declared war on the Hegemony.” The Mexican General said with a smile.

                  “Brave bastards.”

                  “They're not alone. Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic and El Salvador have joined the Colombians against the Hegemony. They submitted their declaration of war together. Almost immediately after the summit was over. I guess they wanted to hear what the Hegemony had to say first before they joined the Allies.”

                  “I can see all of those nations siding with the Norte Americanos since they have such strong ties with the United States, but Cuba?”

                  “Cuba isn't communist anymore and its pretty much run from Miami now. I expected them to do it. Chile on the other hand is putting itself in a tight spot. As soon as it declared war on the Hegemony the Argentinians joined the Hegemony and as we speak are invading Chile. Bolivia also joined the Hegemony and is moving against Chile. Bolivia no doubt wants a port on the Pacific Ocean.”

                  “Who else has joined the Hegemony?”

                  “The list stands at Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Peru.”

                  A man knocked on their door and then walked in. “Pardon my intrusion, but the Chinese delegate is here to talk to you two about the proposal. Shall I send her in?”

                 “Yes Joze. Please send her in.” Santos said as he quickly collected and hid some top secret documents on the table where him and Rios sat.

                  A tall Chinese woman in a beautiful red dress entered the room and smiled at them. The two men were taken aback by her gorgeous looks and air of confidence. “Hello gentlemen.” She said in perfect Spanish. She gave them a slight curtsy. “I am Ambassador Dui, Chinese Ambassador to Panama. I am here to seek Mexico's help in ending the War of Aggression against us by the Allies.”

                 “Go ahead Ambassador. You have our attention.” Santos said.

                “Thank you gentlemen. Have you seen the proposal yet?” She asked.

                “Yes we have. It doesn't really provide much incentives for Mexico.” Santos replied.

                She giggled sweetly and then spoke, “That's because that's not the real proposal for Mexico.” She lifted her dress slightly and removed a small circular object taped to her leg and placed it on the table. It opened and a large holographic map of North America floated above them.

                “What are we looking at?” Rios said not believing what he saw.

                “The map of North America a year from now.” She smiled and both the Mexicans watched the map closely and noticed the United States had ceased to exist. Instead it's territories were divided up by China, the CFR and Mexico. Mexico in the map had regained the southwest of the United States; taken from it in the Mexican-American War of 1846. Mexico also gained most of Texas, all of Florida and Cuba.

                “That's impossible. There is no way the Norte Americanos can be destroyed so utterly.” Rios said without attempting to hide his skepticism.

                “Mother China has crushed their fleets and we are poised to invade their roach nest with ninety million soldiers.” She said smiling at them.

                “That's impossible. Logistically impossible. Tactically impossible. It's sheer madness.” Rios said out loud.

                “Just because you have never seen it done before, doesn't make it impossible. What if it is true? Wouldn't you want to be on the winning side of this conflict?” She said still smiling.

                “What makes you think we will join the Allies? We could just as well just sit on the sidelines and be neutral.” Santos said as he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “Why are you telling us this? That's pretty sensitive information. What if the United States found out?”

                “It's too late for the United States to do anything. Its better that you choose a side now.”

                “What are you trying to say? We can't be neutral.” Rios said angrily.

                “Are you familiar with Christian Medieval mythology? Particularly the civil war in heaven.” Diu said as she switched the map off. Her face still beaming with a radiant smile.

                Both Mexicans looked at each other confused and finally Rios said, “No.”

                “Lucifer, the morning star, the right hand of God before the time of Jesus, became jealous of man. Lucifer and the angels of heaven had worshiped God without question since creation. Then man was created. God loved man more then he loved his angels, he even gave them free will. Lucifer thought to himself, 'how could God love these creatures that could sin and could even go about existence without even having to believe in him?' Yet, God still loved man more then his angels. Lucifer was livid and felt God was unfair to his angels. He wasn't the only angel to have these doubts and so Lucifer turned against God and converted one-third of heaven over to his side. God immediately named Archangel Michael as his new angelic right hand man and tasked him to command the forces loyal to God against the usurpers. These forces loyal to God amounted to one-third of all angels. The last one-third of the angels in heaven decided to carry on their heavenly tasks and take neither side. This civil war raged for a thousand years and in the end, the forces loyal to God were victorious. The angels that sided with Lucifer were tossed into the bottomless pit of hell and their pure angelic forms morphed into demonic abominations.” The Ambassador continued smiling and giggled to herself.

                Both Mexicans turned to face one another again and were even more bewildered then before. Rios spoke up again and said, “what does this story have to do with what were talking about?”.

                “Do you know what God did with the last one-third angels? The ones who stayed neutral.” The Chinese Ambassador held her hand over her mouth as if she wanted to blurt out the answer, but instead she remained silent allowing the Mexicans time to answer.

                “Please get to the point.” Santos said starting to lose his patience.

                “God took all of the angels who stayed neutral and tossed them into hell along with Lucifer and his rebellious angels. To God those who refused to fight for him were just as guilty as those who chose to fight against him. Now I ask you gentlemen, God is merciful and he did this to his angels, what do you expect of men?” The Chinese Ambassador smiled and bowed to the two Mexicans. “I'll leave the new proposal here for you two to review. I trust you both will come to the right decision.” The Ambassador turned and left the room.

               Both men said nothing for a long time until Santos broke the silence and simply said, “we have to call our President.”

SC: El Hegemonia
The Chinese attempt to enlist the Latin American nations to join the Hegemony and wage war against the Allied powers. A story set in WWIII. Comments and feedback greatly appreciated.
Hour 19, Los Pinos, Bosque de Chapultepec, Mexico City, Mexico, Earth [Sol], 30062060

                 “Mister President that is the situation here in Panama.” Santos said over the large television screen on the far side of the room. The President of Mexico sat on his large wooden desk as he listened patiently to his Vice President inform him about the new proposal offered by the Hegemony.

                 “Are you telling me everything Santos?” The President asked.

                 Santos nodded and said, “Yes. I will upload the full proposal now.”

                 The television screen changed from Santos weathered face to the new map of North America. The Mexican President sat back in his chair and the other two men in the President's office gasped. The men stood behind the President and shook their heads in disbelief. One man was the Minister of Defense and the other man was the President's Political Adviser. The Minister of Defense stated the obvious when he said out loud, “They're not just giving back our lost territories. They're giving us an empire.”

                “Santos please listen carefully.” The screen returned back to Santos face. Santos nodded back to the President and the President continued, “If you were me. What would be your decision?”

                Santos lowered his head and mumbled to himself. He finally looked up and painfully replied, “I think it's in the best interest of the United Mexican States to join the Hegemony.”

                “Thank you for your candor Santos. I want you and Rios to immediately return to Mexico City. There is no more need for you to be in Panama. We will make our announcement to the Hegemony from here.” The President of Mexico switched the television off and turned his chair around to face his Defense Minister and Political Adviser. “What do you two think?”

                 The Defense Minister quietly replied, “there are elements within the Mexican military that would like the return of our lands. We have had small skirmishes with the Norte Americano military all along the borders since the 2020's. Hundreds from both
sides have died from them. Of course those were all from rogue ultra-nationalist units, but as the Norte Americano's get weaker those ultra-nationalists get stronger. I have my doubts that the Hegemony can actually land ninety million soldiers in North America, but they have proven themselves very capable of the impossible. They wiped out the entire Norte Americano fleet outside of Taiwan, they conquered Japan, Southeast Asia, Korea and are on the verge of wiping out both the Australians and Indians at the same time. The Norte Americanos have also proven that they have no fight left in them. China took Guam, Midway, American Micronesia, and even Hawaii with not so much as a whisper from them. The Norte Americano military is a joke and its people are divided. Why do want to side with them? I say we get whats ours and join the new world order. We won't ever get another chance to join.”

                 “Thank you Minister. What do you think?” The President pointed to his Political Adviser.

                 The Political Adviser looked up in the air as if he was choosing his words carefully and then he spoke, “I have family in the United States of America. So does almost every Mexican citizen. We may have our longstanding issues and the Norte Americanos may be at the end of their dominance, but we are still brothers. How can we turn against our own family? How will ordinary Mexicans take it when they hear that their families in the U.S. are dying and we are perpetrating the slaughter? How will ordinary Mexicans stomach occupying this new empire? We will have to kill many Norte Americanos and many of them will be of Mexican descent. I do not believe the Norte Americanos will not fight. Once the Hegemony is at their doorsteps they will rise again and fight like the devil. All this territory they want to give us is a way for them to change us from a federation to an empire. The Hegemony has no place for democracies and freemen. I say we join the Allies. Our fate is intertwined with the Norte Americanos. Even if we join the Hegemony, I believe down the line they will turn on us. It's best we fight alongside our brothers and die with them, than live with the eternal shame of raising our hand against family. After that... any punishment God gives us would never be enough.”

                The President said nothing as he reflected on what they said. He stood up and said, “Please leave. I need to come to a decision.” Both men exited the spacious presidential office and left the President alone to his thoughts. The President walked over to a large framed Mexican battle flag that hung on his office wall and read the gold plated inscription on the bottom. “The U.S. Marines Corps returns this flag captured from the Halls of Montezuma in 1848 to the great people of the United Mexican States. This flag is presented in the spirit of friendship between our two peoples. May our two nations continue to prosper and never wage war against each other again.” The lights flicked suddenly and the television came back on. The President turned to face the screen and the Hegemony map of North America appeared. The President dropped to his knees and lost his composure and screamed, “My God! What do you want me to do?!”

Hour 23, Bunker CCC1, Unknown Location, People's Republic of China, Earth [Sol], 30062060

                The Chinese soldier ran down sixteen flights of stairs while clutching a red piece of paper. When he finally reached the bottom he entered his security code and fingerprint in a console by a massive locked door. The console accepted his clearances and swung open. He rushed inside and handed the paper to one of the men inside the computer filled room. The soldier turned and left as quickly as he came, up the stairs.

                “What is that?” One of the Chinese soldiers said to the officer who had the red paper.

                The officer looked at the red paper and verified the authorization code listed on the paper with the main computer. After he had checked its authenticity, he turned towards the other men and simply said, “Operation Serpent's Flame is aborted. Begin preparations for Operation Dragon's Fire.” The men immediately went to work converting all of the ICBMs prior strike targets to their new strike targets as called for by the new operation. The officer looked up at the giant map of North America and watched as the red dots that meant a ICBM target shifted around. The red dots were originally clustered around northern California, the Northwest U.S., the Midwest and Canada. Now the dots moved southwards and new targets appeared included southern California, Texas, and the Southwest U.S.

London, European Union, Earth [Sol], 30062060 (1422 hrs EST)

                He rolled out of bed and went straight to the table without washing his teeth. The man put a pot of tea on the stove and switched on his tablet computer. He looked at the days news and first read the sports and then the gossip section. He raised himself from the table and poured himself a cup of tea. No cream. Three sugars. As he was about to retake his seat a mild
alarm went off on his tablet computer. Breaking news had just came in and he read it out loud to himself. “Brazil Latest to Join the Hegemony. Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Nicaragua already have joined.” The man sipped some of his tea and shook his head and said, “well that sucks for the Yankees.” He turned to the next related article, “Mexico Declares Itself Neutral in War.” The man took another sip and said, “that's probably the smartest thing they could have done. Who the hell wants to be a part of that shit storm? Well this is depressing. Whats on the tube.” He placed the tablet on the table and went to the other room. The theme song of “Benny Hill” soon filled the house.

La Fiesta Americana Resort, Cancun, Mexico, Earth [Sol], 01072060 (1120 hrs EST)

                 “What the hell is up with the internet? I can't log on to facebook. I want to see if anyone commented on my new status.”

                “I can't get online either. Nothing is working.” Both women tried to log into the internet from their smart phones and failed many times. Frustrated by this they went downstairs to the resorts lobby and went up to the counter. They approached the man behind the check-in counter and angrily asked, “We thought wireless was included here?”

               “Sorry ladies the internet is down for everyone. Not just here, but everywhere.” The man replied. Both women let out an exaggerated sigh and stormed off into the hot Cancun sun.

               “That's bullshit! No internet? Sounds like they didn't pay their damn bill. I can't wait until I get on the internet. I'm going to write a review of this place that's going to shit all over them.” They both laughed and went into the Hooters across the street. Inside they both looked around only to find that everyone including the cooks were glued to the large screen television on the far side of the dining room. They took a seat with them and she asked, “what is everyone looking at?”

             “Shut up. Listen.” One of the Hooter girls said as she pointed at the television.

              The screen of the television was black except for the Presidential seal of Mexico. The screen soon turned to a press conference already in progress. The President's Political Adviser was fielding questions from the assembled press and he was
dancing around their questions. He refused to tell them the reason for the emergency press conference, the reason for the total collapse of the internet and he refused to acknowledge the rumors about suitcase nukes going off in Los Angeles and San Francisco. He only told them that the President would speak to the nation shortly and that he would provide the answers.

             “The President of the United Mexican States!” A Mexican soldier shouted as the President walked into the room. The entire room stood up in respect and sat down as soon as the President reached the podium.

              The room was deathly silent, only the sounds of shuttering cameras could be heard. The President adjusted the podiums microphone and looked up at the cameras. His eyes were red as if he had been crying. He spoke in a defiant tone to the nation, “The United States of America has just endured a night of unbelievable horror. The Hegemony has reduced dozens of their cities into ash with a malicious nuclear attack and upwards of two hundred million Americans are believed to have been murdered. The nuclear fallout has already shifted southwards into Mexico itself and millions of Mexicans along the border are expected to die from radiation sickness.” The people inside the room with the president shouted loudly at the news. Some in anger. Some in fear. Others cried out in profound sadness for the dead and dying. The people assembled in the Hooters began to cry or shout insults at the Hegemony.

              The President allowed the news to sink in to his people and he continued, “The Hegemony has followed that nuclear
strike with a full scale invasion of the United States of America. As many as ninety million Hegemony shock troopers may be in California right now. After holding an emergency session of congress a few moments ago a vote was submitted by my office and passed. The United Mexican States is now officially at war with the People's Republic of China and all of its allies. The United States of America has authorized Mexico to enter its borders and as we speak thousands of Mexican soldiers and marines are fighting in California. We will stand with our North American brothers against the Hegemony and we will avenge our fallen brothers and sisters on both sides of the border. The Hegemony is powerful and capable of great acts of evil. The war will not be easy and it will be a long struggle. I pray to God that he bless Mexico and guide her in these dark times. The world has changed and Mexico will ask a lot from her children in the coming days, but your sacrifices will be necessary if we are to survive.” The President strode away from the podium and the press went wild. They shouted questions at the President, but he ignored them and was whisked away by his body guards.

               The television screen went black again and the assembled people in the Hooters said nothing or whimpered lightly to themselves. The door to the restaurant swung open and a young Irish couple entered. They looked around and the man shouted out drunkenly, “What the fuck happened here?! It's like a goddamn funeral. Screw this baby. This place is ruining my buzz. Let's go to Senor Frog's.”