Fund The Future.

Map Color: Grey

           Green Zones are highly urbanized and densely populated sections of Earth. The Green Zones were established during the Great Reconstruction after WW3 in an effort to centralize mankind and pool its resources for reconstruction. Highly successful the Green Zones have flourished and constitute 18% of the Earth's surface.


Map Color: Blue

           Blue Zones are lightly urbanized sections of the Earth with varying degrees of population density. Some of the Blue Zones are set aside for future expansion of the Green Zones while a few others are purposely set aside for limited growth to preserve its natural beauty. Example: The Caribbean Islands.

Map Color: Red

           Red Zones are sections of the Earth completely restricted from human habitation and influence. After WW3 mankind, with much effort, restored large swaths of the Earth's natural systems to its pre-war levels. Man set aside much of the Earth to nature, favoring instead megacities in the Green Zones.

Map Color: Sky Blue

           The Special Zones are authorized settlements (50K-450K) found within the Red Zones. They are varied in nature and purpose. Most are remnants of historically significant cities, others are domed cities, forts, research stations, hubs, etc.


Map Color: White

            Military Zones within Earth is rare. The U.S. Military does maintain a strong presence on Earth, but most of its bases and structures are located on the Moon or in orbit around Earth. The U.S. Military does maintain few live fire training grounds and bases Earth side. Its largest is near the North Pole.


Map Color: Yellow

            The Third War Burial Grounds, or officially called The Third Human Civil War Memorial Burial Grounds, is located in the Greenland Temperate Sector and houses more then fourteen billion war dead from WW3. The area of land used by the cemetery is so great (1.5% of Earth) that it is classified as its own special zone.
1) Memphis
2) Montgomery
3) New Orleans
4) Vectorborne
5) Hermosillo
6) Phoenix
7) Fort Americana
8) Colorado Springs
9) Denver
10) Oklahoma City
11) Salt Lake City

12) Sky Bella
13) Junction Point
14) Spokane
15) Fort Canada
16) Regina
17) Thunder Bay
18) Edmonton
19) Prince George
20) Fort North Guard
21) Hinterlands Outstation
22) Reserve Pointe

23) Anchorage
24) Veracruz
25) Guatemala City

North America is currently the most heavily urbanized and populous region of the human home world. During the Third Human Civil War the region suffered a devastating nuclear strike that effectively rendered most of the regions western coasts inhabitable and turned the breadbasket of the world into a desolate dust bowl. After the Third Human Civil War mankind under the government of De-Tierra Sr. passed the Exodus Act (HR~2099.465.2s) which forced the relocation of every resource including every man, woman and child to specific cities around the world. The measure was put in effect by the De-Tierra Sr. government to both aid in a speedy reconstruction and to maintain control of mankind on Earth. Tens of millions would die in the Exodus process and in these brutal years under De-Tierra's government. Eventually De-Tierra's USEA government fell and mankind unified into the United Systems of Earth. The new USE government set New York City as its capital in 2119 and with the terraforming technologies of the Colonial Alliance declared the restoration of Earth its priority. The new USE government put the restoration of Earth under the charge of the D.O.I. (Dept. of the Interior) and the D.O.I. expanded on the Exodus act. The large lands vacated by mankind was now set aside for restoration and re-population of wildlife (many of them brought back by cloning). North America was the first region of Earth to successfully be restored, but that was only because the region had less "Red Zones" and was the focus of the United Systems government.

1) Caracas
2) Sacorro
3) Manaus
4) Benita Bonita
5) Tierra de Sangre
6) Fort Amazon
7) Balem
8) Fortaleza
9) Lima
10) Asuncion
11) Campo Alto
12) Rio de Janeiro
13) Fort Encarnacion
14) Ushuaia
The South America region is the complete opposite of North America. It has only four major city centers and none of them qualify as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 city center. This is by design. South America is the breadbasket of Earth. It holds nearly half of Earth's current automated farmlands and cattle ranches. Although most of Earth's food is imported from all over the U.S.E., it is of immense strategic value that Earth maintains a reserve food supply. In the off chance Earth is put under siege again (War of the Rising Sun 2189-2212) or the supply lines are cut by some unknown force. Of special note is that the four major city centers of South America were once the largest cities of the four surviving Latin American powers during the Third Human Civil War; Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Colombia.
1) Edinburgh
2) Fort Asgard
3) Helsinki
4) St. Petersburg
5) Trotsky
6) Riga
7) Tallinn
8) Perm
9) New Sverdlovsk
10) Vilnius
11) Minsk
12) Warsaw
13) Kiev
14) Odessa
15) Volgograd
16) Genova
17) Fort Europa
18) Belgrade
19) Sarajevo
20) Ankara

21) Tunis
22) Damascus
23) New Babylon
24) Caspian Outstation

Europe is also one of the most densely populated regions on Earth, with nearly half of its landmass covered in either Green or Blue Zones. It is also home to the U.S. Supreme Court (London), the U.S. Administrative capital (Paris), and home to the vast majority of the U.S. governmental agencies. The people of the European region are also proud of their long history and because of that they are fiercely independent and hold on to their old cultures, traditions and languages. It is not surprising to find an ancient twenty-story Gothic cathedral built in 600 A.D. right next to a 125-story modern skyscraper built in 2156 A.D. Each part of Europe's major city centers can be split into distinct sections based on ancient nation-states. Many languages other then the official five (English, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, Russian) are spoken in Europe and continue to thrive (ex. German, Finnish, Swedish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch, etc.). It is no surprise that the European region receives the highest influx of tourists from all over the U.S.E. (24.2b c.2449) every year due to its distinct heritage and uniqueness amongst the other regions of Earth. Of special note is that Europe also includes European Russia and its major city center of Moscow (Rus. Москва) which is vastly different from the rest of Europe. This region was once the capital of the Communist Federated Republics during the Third Great Human Civil War and still retains much of identity from it. The Communist Party still has strong support in the region and much of that area is run collectively with hints of Leninism, the U.S.E. constitution allows states and local governance as long as it doesn't violate the constitution or infringe on the U.S. bill of rights.

1) Tunis
2) New Carthage
3) Freedom Outpost
4) Fort Africanus
5) Horn of Africa
6) New Bujumbura
7) Scorpio

8) Liberty Junction
9) Baghdad
10) Port Persian
11) Tehran
12) Allied Fields
13) Port Prosperity

Africa is the least populated and least developed region on Earth, it is nearly entirely made up of Red Zones. There are many reasons for this. The most influential of which was that Africa suffered tremendously during the Third Human Civil War and until recently has just begun to recover. An estimated 94% of the African population was wiped out during the Third Human Civil War. The African Union (the coalition of African nation-states against the Holy Islamic Empire) was fractured and ineffective against the Holy Islamic Empire and was soundly defeated. The HIE proclaimed the Africans "unclean and unbelievers" and carried out a genocide that completely wiped out the continent. The HIE murdered both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The only Africans to survive the war were the South Africans who were the only people to not be conquered by the HIE and the few HIE Africans that weren't killed by the Allies/Hegemony when they both focused on destroying the power mad HIE. Today Africa has recovered beautifully from the war, much of its pre-war wildlife is back (after much painstaking labor) and the two major city centers are rapidly expanding mainly from off world immigration. The other part of Africa that is worth mentioning is the Mid East which includes the Jerusalem Protectorate Zone. Jerusalem holds immense spiritual and cultural significance for humanity and is a major place of worship. The Jewish population in what was once Israel was nearly wiped out by the HIE during the Third Human Civil War, but a few million were able to evacuate to the ancient U.S.A. and Europe. After the fall of the HIE the Israelis returned to their ancestral homeland and rebuilt the ancient city and now the Jewish population has thrived since then.
1) Hue
2) Siagon
3) Singapore
4) Oceania Outstation
5) Darwin
6) Cairns

7) Carnarvon
8) Death Valley
9) Queensland
10) Fort Sydney
11) Brisbane
12) Queenstown

Australia / Oceania consists of the massive island continent of Australia and tens of thousands of smaller islands that span the entirety of the Pacific Ocean. The region has six major city centers, four of which are located in Australia. During the Third Great Human Civil War the region was overrun by the Chinese Hegemony and their HIE allies. Most of the area north of what was Sydney, Australia was conquered and occupied. Many people died during the brutal occupation and the vast majority of those that survived and fought on against the Hegemony lived in the Southern part of the island. The government of Australia (a major Allied nation-state) moved and reestablished itself in the Island of Tasmania to the Southwest of Australia and Tasmania has ever since been the epicenter of the region. After the war the region's population was entirely located in the southern areas, only until recently have new areas been settled (Java Island, North Australia) mainly due to pressure to build new cities on Earth for off-world immigration. Many other regions are already heavily built up or have Red Zones deemed to "ecologically significant." Australia's center mainly consists of deserts and there have been many official talks of further building up the region. Australia is the fourth most populous region, but it is one of the fastest growing in terms of population and city expansion. It is possible that in a hundred years Australia may be one of the most populous regions on Earth. One other special note for the region is the vast network of islands in Oceania. The vast majority of the islands have been abandoned and designated as Red Zones, but there are many of which that have been converted into Blue Zone Resort destinations such as Hawaii, Fiji, etc. A few are also military run (bases, training areas, weapons testing, etc) such as Guam, Midway, etc.
1) Siberian Outstation
2) Arkhangel'sk
3) Chita
4) Komsomol'sk
5) Ulaanbaatar
6) Qiqihar
7) Fort Sun Tzu
8) Port Prosperity
9) Fort Jai Hind
10) Delhi
11) Shimla
12) Bhopal
13) Katmandu
14) Fort Sat Sri Akal
15) Ranchi
16) Lhasa
17) Dhaka
18) Hue
19) Siagon

Asia is the second most populous region on Earth and home to humanities most ancient and influential civilizations. For most of human history Asia was home to the grand preponderance of the living human population. Only until the last one hundred fifty years did the North American region overtake Asia in population and that is mainly due to off-world immigration, in-world migration and U.S. tax cuts within the New York City capital regions. Asia is home to the secondary U.S.E. on-Earth capital of Beijing; should New York City be destroyed or cut off. Asia is also the technological, engineering and scientific capital of the U.S.E. and houses the all important Department of Science in Tokyo. Asia has three massive city centers that correspond to the ancient nation-states that survived the Third Great Human Civil War. During the war entire nations and entire peoples were completely exterminated by either the Hegemony or the Allies. Few survived, but at the end of the war namely China, India and Japan/Korea survived. As part of the Armistice that ended the Third World War, the Allies agreed to allow China to survive as a people, a seat within the new world government, and share with them the resources to rebuild. Although the Allies rarely provided China all the resources it needed it did focus exclusively in Asia on rebuilding the Chinese Eastern Seaboard as it did with the North American Seaboard. This infuriated the Indians who suffered greatly under the Chinese Hegemony and would later lead to the downfall of De-Tierra's U.S.E.A. and the eventual rise of the U.S.E. of today. India and the Japan/Korea sectors rebuilt largely on their own and as such still retain much of their old world traditions and architectural styles. Now with the war long over and the old rivalries of the past long gone all three mega-cities have flourished and continue to expand and work closely together on all sorts of issues (garbage disposal, water distribution, power sharing, etc.).
Capital of the United Systems
Homeworld of the Human Race
Pop: 33.3b (c. 2449)