From SC Creator: First fan fiction posted based on the Shattered Citadel Universe. Not going to lie I loved every bit of it and I can't wait to see the rest of it once B.S. John finishes the rest of the story. Obviously this isn't canon to my universe, but its still great none the less. Below is the amazing messege he sent to my email. Thank you for being a great fan and following my work B.S. John. 28012011.

Dear Michael,

I love your Shattered Citadel series and have made sure to read every new short story you post. I saw you’re latest blog post and so I decided to write my own fan fiction. If you like it I’ll write more, I’d really like to write Short Stories for all the battles mentioned in the USCM’s Hymn. This is just a small sample however and if you like it I’ll finish it.

Your fan,

SCFF: The Moons of Yoshodora
By: B.S. John

Orbit around Yoshodora Sep 12, 2110 Standard

            Pvt. Raphael Moon, or just Raf to his squad mates, looked out of the window of Mississippi-Class Transport, USS Hawaii and was awed by the site of Gas Giant Yoshodora. Sure he’d grown up seeing the Human Systems planet Jupiter, and had even visited its moons while on leave, but this, this was amazing. Yoshodora was, of course, a large planet and its mixture of bright reds and purples made it appear even bigger. He was interrupted from these thoughts by a hand on his shoulder, which belonged to Lt. Razow Terra.

           “You ok Moon?” The Lieutenant asked as he looked at Raphael.

          “Y-yes sir, I’m fine. It’s just I don’t know I’m nervous I guess.” He replied.

           “Well,” Razow began “that’s perfectly normal, everyone here was nervous before their first Op. Just focus off getting out of the LCA (Landing Craft, Assault) and getting into position, and you’ll do just fine ok?” 

           “Y-yes sir, I understand sir.” Raf said back as Razow patted his back twice before leaving. Raf continued to stare in awe at the massive planet for awhile before the Intercom buzzed in. “~All hear this, all hear this! We are nearing the moon of Yoshodora known as Doris. All Marines begin preparations to land. I repeat all Marines begin preparations to land. ~” Raf took a deep breath; it looked like this was it, his first combat action. He made a quick Sign of the Cross before turning and making his way to his Company’s staging area.

           Raf quickly put on his Tactical Combat Vest (TCV) over his Marine Combat Uniform (MCU) and picked up his rifle, all of which appeared to be a shade of grey. This was because of the camouflage nano-bots built into each fiber of the uniform, which would copy the background of the wearer as best it could. It was still in its infancy however, so the color was always slightly darker. Soon though Sergeant Major Hernandez called everyone to attention as the company commander, Captain Wright, entered the room.

           “At ease men, I just want you to know one thing. The uniform that you wear and the Eagle, Galaxy, and Anchor that you have earned will make the difference between the survival of the Human Species and its enslavement.
Below us lies the Moon of Yoshodora known as Doris, this moon is more akin to our home planet of Earth, then to a normal moon. It’s heavily forested, but don’t worry about that, the only thing you need to even think about worrying about is the enemy. This is only the first planet in this campaign but it is important, don’t think it’s not.” The captain began before going on to explain the mission. The gist of it was that they were going to seize this planet first to create a supply base before going onto the other planets. 

         Their enemy was actually a much older species, which seemed to have once existed all across the galaxy but now only on moons of Yoshodora. They all averaged about 5’ 7” tall by human measurement, and where known to be extremely aggressive. Their space technology had devolved back a state that they could only colonize the moons around Yoshodora and their ground combat technology was more akin to the tech of the Third Human Civil War, then to anything more modern. It was widely believed however that they’re aggressive spirit would make up for their lack of advanced tech.

          All of which was enough to make Raf more nervous, his Father had told him the horrors of the Third War when he had decided to join up. It didn’t stop him then and shook his head so it didn’t stop him now, now he had to focus so that, if anything, he kept his friends from dying because of him. After the Captain finished his briefing they were all shuffled into four different LCAs, one for each platoon. After everyone was set up the LCAs shook as then left the loading bay of the Transport and began their journey to the surface of Doris.

To be continued...

SCFF: Moons of Yoshodora
Fan fiction by B.S. John. Feel free to comment.