Department of Census and Statistics
Secretary of Science - Jaroslaw Posadzy of Tomaszow, Sgavee [Scupin]
Headquarters - 
Palais de l'Élysée, Paris Federal, Europe, Earth [Sol]
2349 Fiscal Budget - 181.5 Billion
2349 Revenue - 1.4 Trillion
2349 Personnel - 14,726,475
Racial Breakdown - 100% Human
Agencies within Department - United Systems Census Bureau, United Systems Bureau of Statistics.
Mission Statement - "The Department of Census and Statistics is responsible for enumerating the population of the United Systems of Earth as stated by the U.S. Constitution to accurately set the numbers of congressional representatives for each system-state. The DoCS is also responsible for the collection of all relevant information that will assist in giving the citizenry and its leaders the capability to make sounder decisions in all fields of endeavor."