Department of Religious Affairs
Secretary of Religious Affairs - Jennifer Sullivan of London, Earth [Sol]
Headquarters - Eden Gardens, Jerusalem, Earth [Sol]
2349 Fiscal Budget - 46.2 Billion
2349 Revenue - N/A
2349 Personnel - 42,501
Racial Breakdown - 65% Human, 14% Hisson, 21% Other
Agencies within Department - Citizen Missionary Corps, Interfaith Council, and the Charities of Faith Universal.
Mission Statement - " To maintain an open dialogue between the U.S. and the numerous faiths within its borders, to settle disputes between faiths, to coordinate relief and education efforts with the U.S. government and to open an alternative way to citizenship through missionary work."
"As we so painfully learned in our common history as a race, religion can be a force of great good or tremendous evil. It can spark a scientific revolution or suffocate it. It can influence men to care for strangers or lead them to kill those strangers in its name. Knowing this, we must harvest the inherent good of religion for the benefit of humanity. Religion will not go away and it continues to be a motivating force for us. It is the responsibility of all good men to maintain an open dialogue between the surviving faiths. So we can grow together in peace and focus on our mutual survival amongst God's playground."

Bishop Nigel Levanworth
Interfaith Council Rep.
Bishop Michael Santos
Roman Catholic

Sanyasi Priya Aatmadeva

Vajracharya Buhaksana

Pastor Greg Hastings
Protestant Alliance

Fao Bing

Gregory XXI
Orthodox Christianity

Mizra Hasyna

Rabbi Israel Abraham

Sheik Abdul Al-Maaki

Narinder Singh Kapany

Dr. Sarah Chopin


Ay Iska Ka'oils Taark

The Interfaith Council is an independent council that coordinates with the United Systems of Earth government over matters of religion. To promote religious harmony and settle disputes between the many faiths of man. Each surviving religion is represented by a council person appointed to the council by its religious leaders. The U.S.E. Interfaith Council is led by the Secretary of Religious Affairs who oversees the proceedings and provides the tie-breaking vote.