Jupiter - Gas Giant - 750876004 - 100% Human- {5}, Former manufacturing capital of the CA. Its second ring is clearly visable. Unknown creator.
Do your duty and repent tomorrow. – Mark Twain

Shattered Citadel: Jovian Moons

USS Ronald Reagan, Titan Orbit, Jupiter [Sol], 15112085

            "Admiral, we've lost 60% of the fleet. I recommend we withdraw to the safety of the Asteroid Belt." The Chinese Captain suggested to his superior in a heavily accented English.
            "Not until were told to do so by CENTCOM." The Admiral stood up from his console and stared out the bridges main porthole. He watched in disgust as the USS Barack H. Obama took a crippling blow from a Colonial MAG and split in two, falling towards the Jovian giant below. Inevitably to be crushed to nothingness by the planet's intense gravity field. Scattered around his ship was the shattered remains of dozens of starships. Their debris slamming into the hull of his ship, causing superficial damage, but wrecking havoc on the morale of his crew. He knew every slamming sound against the hull, could just as well be the sound of a hapless sailor from those doomed vessels hitting his ship at the speed of sound. The Admiral cursed under his breath, his entire command was on the verge of being wiped out and he could do nothing about it. The orders given to him were simple but cryptic, "Attack Titan. Hold. Wait for signal. Retreat." He was waiting for the signal, but every minute more he spent attacking the Colonial fortress of Titan, was a minute were thousands of good men and women were dying. He squinted his eyes straining to see a small flash of light brighter than all the stars in the sky, which suddenly appeared from beyond the curve of the Jovian horizon.
            "Sir, the Colonists are sending us a transmission. Shall we respond?" A sailor shouted out from his console on the bridge.
            "No. I don't want those Colonial pansies to know which ship were on. What's it say?"
            "Second Earth Fleet. Surrender. Your total destruction is imminent. Respond."

            He stood quietly contemplating the Colonists message and groaned loudly as the HMS King Harry I fired helplessly into space. Trying in vain to kill the angry swarm of Colonial fighters tearing it apart. From the corner of his eye he could see that flash of light expand and approaching his ship at an alarming speed.
            "Captain, did someone use a nuke? I thought we were out."
            "We are, Sir." They both stared at the massive ball of light and raised their arms to shield their eyes. The entire bridge was filled with a sickly blue and white light that was so bright that not one shadow survived. Suddenly the entire bridge shook violently and jerked the two men off their feet and unto the titanium bulkhead. For a full minute they were tossed around the bridge and they were forced to cling to dear life on a console that was bolted to the ground. The turbulence subsided and the ship righted itself. The ship had descended altitude and had almost fallen beyond the point of no return within the Jovian atmosphere.
            "What in God's name was that?" The Admiral stood up and wiped his blood from his forehead. The bridge was full of moaning sailors calling out for medics. The Admiral checked the pulse of his Captain and was relieved to discover that he was only unconscious. The bridge consoles monitors all flashed and blared out the ancient song "Try Again." The Admiral instantly remembered the significance of the Aaliyah song. "All hands retreat! Let's get the hell out of here, turn her about sailor!"
            "Aye aye Admiral!" The US ship slowly turned and he could hear the slow rumble of the ships main engines firing up to full speed. Within seconds the ship lurched forward at full speed until they were safely out of range of the Colonists guns.
            "Hail the surviving ships. I want to know who we have left." The Admiral watched as a doctor attended to his downed Captain and returned to his console.

            "Sir, twenty ships survived and mobile, their all inbound to the rally point within the Asteroid Belt, where the planned jump back to Earth will take place."
            The Admiral wiped his bloody brow with his hand and flung the blood on the floor. He had lost more then fifty ships and God only knows how many brave sailors. He was angry at the Colonists for refusing to accept Earth's authority and waging war. So soon after the Third World War.
            He scrolled though the information on the monitor and couldn't believe what it was telling him. The light that had rocked his ship was the violent death of a star, a super nova of a sun the size of the period on a sentence. This super nova happened within the solar system, just on the other side of Jupiter. It wasn't possible. It wasn't natural. He scrolled further and his jaw drop. He pressed a button to display his discovery onto the big screen on the bridge and the entire room was filled with silence. On the screen was a spinning field of molten rocks that were either colliding with one another or falling into Jupiter's atmosphere.

            "What is that?" A sailor asked the question on everyone's mind.
            "That's Io. Or what's left of it, the manufacturing capital of the Colonists." The Admiral now understood why he had been ordered to attack the fortress moon of Titan. It was a distraction for something bigger and although costly he knew because of their sacrifice, things had changed. Mankind had now truly harnessed the power of the sun and unleashed it upon the universe. This was no nuke, far from it. Mankind had now become like God, the destroyer of worlds. The Admiral and the people on the bridge watched in silence as the molten debris of Io cooled and created a new ring around the gas giant.
            "Sir, were getting a transmission from CENTCOM. It says 'New Eden on Mars destroyed. Nova missile delivered. Io erased. Colonial Alliance is calling for a ceasefire. Victory assured for Earth.'"
            "Thank God." The Admiral said under his breath in relief. The Third World War was supposed to be the war to end all wars and yet mankind at the brink of extinction, was at it yet again. It seemed now that he would in fact, live to see the day that mankind was finally at peace with itself. He couldn't help but recall the last line of the Marines Rifleman's Creed. He said it out loud as he stared at the molten rocks of what was once a thriving colony, "So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but Peace."

SC: Jovian Moons
Earth is again at war with the colonies and unleashes its new weapon upon the universe.

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