From SC Creator: One of those sad cases where a fan sent me a fan fic and it got lost in the vast spam of my email. I have finally uploaded it and I am pleased to host it for him. I highly encourage fan fics and I am more than willing to host yours if you have any. 02062015.

From Author: I have been reading your work for about a year now. You have inspired me to take another look at a science fiction universe of my own. To show my appreciation and admiration I have written a Fan Fiction from your universe. It takes place 4 days after the Battle of Taiwan on the United States of Korea. I call it "Valley of Peace". I hope you like it and I hope you post it. 21102014

SCFF: Valley of Peace
By: Charlie Spinks

1300………20550812……….Valley of Serenity………….United States of Korea……….Earth Sol
5th Marine Regiment……..1st US Marine Division…….1st Marine Expeditionary Force

Colonel Owens was sitting in the passenger seat of his command JLTV. His unit was moving up to reinforce the line against the North Koreans and Chinese. They were heading through a valley on a minor roadway. The division commander had decided to use roads less traveled to avoid air strikes from the Chinese.

They continued down the road. The Marine's radios were dead. The mountains were knocking out all communications. Owens didn't like it he felt as though something was coming for them but he wasn't sure what.

"Pull over here" he said to his driver. The Driver a Sergeant Major pulled off the road and Owens got out of the JLTV. It was then that the artillery shells started falling. Vehicles started scattering but the majority were stuck on the road and destroyed by the Chinese guns.

"COLONEL GET DOWN!!!!!!!" the sergeant major yelled as he tackled Owens to the ground as a shell exploded very close to them. The shockwave carried threw them several yards, the Sergeant major was shredded by shrapnel and Owens was knocked unconscious.

1600………20550812……….Valley of Serenity………….United States of Korea……….Earth Sol
5th Marine Regiment……..1st US Marine Division…….1st Marine Expeditionary Force

Owens awoke. He got up and started moving back towards the command JLTV which had some how not been hit. He got in and drove off screaming into the radio for his regiment to rally at the divisional HQ 2 miles to the North.

The Road he drove on was littered with destroyed vehicles and dead men. When he got to the divisional HQ he found everyone dead. The Chinese artillery shelling had killed the entire staff. Not only that but only a few miles away he heard the sounds of battle. The Chinese had broken allied lines and had ambushed the entire division during their advance south.

Marines were beginning to arrive at the ruined HQ. There were a few junior officers in charge of gaggles of men that could scarcely be called units. Owens realized what he had to do. With the Chinese bearing down on them it was up to him to organize a defense to try and save as much of the division as possible.

Supposedly the 2nd US Infantry division was moving up behind them and he would only have to hold until they arrived. He got on the radio and sent a message out to all divisional bands.

"This is Colonel Seamus Owens, The Chinese have broken through our lines to the North and advanced down on us without us realizing. The division staff as well as all other regimental commanders are dead. I am in command. The Chinese are jamming all our Radio Frequencies going outside of the valley. All forces fall back to my position. I am by the middle of what was the convoy surrounded by a large flat area with a hill and a natural stone wall encircling the top with only a few openings in it. I want all artillery, and mortar units to converge on that hill along with any remains of the reconnaissance battalion, unlimber set up and dig in. All other units come to my position."

With this Owens set up a three line area of defense with a heavily fortified hill containing all the artillery and mortars on top of it. The first Line was 1 mile in all the way around the second half a mile and the third was only a quarter of a mile all the way around. "Artillery Hill" as Owens named it was 100 yards off the first line connected by a small out cropping in the line to connect the hill with the rest of the division.

Artillery Hill was heavily fortified with 24 155mm howitzers, 36 81mm mortars, and 54 60mm mortars. It was also defended by 480 marines from the recon battalion that once numbered 1200. The rest of the defenses were manned by a mash up of 6000 men from all other units of the division including support and engineer units, 12 Abrams tanks, 10 Marine Personnel Carriers, 50 Amphibious Combat Vehicles, and 60 JLTVs.

2000………205508……….Valley of Serenity………….United States of Korea……….Earth Sol
5th Marine Regiment……..1st US Marine Division…….1st Marine Expeditionary Force

The third line was nearing completion when the Chinese finally hit Owen's defensive position. There was at least a division of them about 20000 men. They were supported by artillery tanks and armored personnel carriers. They came on and the marines opened fire with everything they had. Owens was on the first line when the attack began.

"Here them come boys! Show no mercy for you will receive none!" Owens screamed as the Chinese rushed forwards. "Chinese tank 65 degrees left!" he yelled to the commander of the tank to his left through the radio. The tank fired and the Chinese armored vehicle exploded in a gout of flames. The roar of gunfire was deafening and Owens loved it. "THIS IS WHY I JOINED THE CORPS!!!!!!!!" he screamed as he fired into the oncoming yellow horde with his M4. " Artillery Hill drop some shells on their asses!" Owens said into the radio.

With that explosions began tearing holes all through the Chinese attack, between the withering machine gun, anti-tank, tank, artillery, and mortar fire. The Chinese started faltering but did not stop attacking.

2020………20550812……….Valley of Serenity………….United States of Korea……….Earth Sol
5th Marine Regiment……..1st US Marine Division…….1st Marine Expeditionary Force

"Sir! The Chinese a breaking off the attack!" a nearby sergeant yelled to Owens. A cheer went up from the marines as Owens shared the news over the loud speaker.

"We have thrown those CHICOM fucks back men! They will be back but we shall hold! The 2nd Infantry division will be here soon to relieve us. Until then we must hold!"

0800………20550813……….Valley of Serenity………….United States of Korea……….Earth Sol
5th Marine Regiment……..1st US Marine Division…….1st Marine Expeditionary Force

"Sir the CHICOMs are forming for another attack and we have lost contact with Artillery Hill I think it has fallen!" The marine manning the radios yelled to Owens as he stood in his command post behind the marine's 3rd line.

"Colonel The men are retreating to the second line. They are running low on ammo pretty soon they will be down to their pistols then they will be down to
their bayonets!" Another marine yelled to Owens.

"So be it. We must hold here or else there is no hope for survival the 2nd Infantry will get here." Owens said

"Aye sir." The marine said with a tired look. Shells began falling on the American positions and then a battle cry went up from all around them as the Chinese launched yet another attack.

"Here they come!" Owens yelled. The Chinese ran over what remained of the first wall and right into the claymores of the marines. Hundreds of Chinese soldiers went down screaming the marines then opened up on them with what remained of their ammo. Hundreds more Chinese dropped but the kept coming.

The marines started screaming for ammo but no one had any. Owens ordered them to fall back to the third line which they did. He then ordered them to draw pistols and to face down the CHICOMs with those. The marines did as they were ordered. And the Chinese began falling back.

Owens knew that if the Chinese attacked again they would be finished the marines had almost no ammo to speak off and were down to only 2000 men from a division originally numbered at 20000 and most of those men were wounded in one way or another. Owens ordered the men to fix bayonets and that when the Chinese came over the remains of the second line to charge into them and to DIP.

As the Chinese came over the second line the marines rose as one and charged. The Chinese in shock stopped and the marines crashed into them. It became and orgy of violence a truly bloody melee. It reached a fever pitch as the marines were reduced to fighting in what was essentially a circle with Owens in the thick of it taking out at least 6 CHICOMs at once with his combat knife.

As the Marines seemed to be on the verge of being wiped out dozens US fighter bombers and attack helicopter came over and opened fire on the Chinese. At the same time hundreds if US Infantry Fighting Vehicles and tanks came charging towards the Chinese supported by thousands of Infantry. The 2nd Infantry division had finally arrived.

1000………20550813……….Valley of Serenity………….United States of Korea……….Earth Sol
5th Marine Regiment……..1st US Marine Division…….1st Marine Expeditionary Force

Owens looked over the field of battle. It was covered in a carpet of bodies form both the US and China. He was saddened to see so many good men laying dead. However he had other concerns. His command that once numbered 6700 men was now down to only 300 of whom 180 were wounded.

The CHICOMs had suffered even worse. 60000 Chinese lay dead on this field of battle along with hundreds of shattered Chinese armored vehicles. Owens and his marines broke the back of 1 Chinese Mechanized, and 3 Chinese Infantry divisions. An entire Corps of troops 80000 men and over 1018 armored vehicles.

Owens took in a breath. He turned and walked to the waiting helicopter. He boarded it and took one last look at the valley. It was now the valley of the dead and only the dead truly know peace.

SCFF: Valley of Peace
Story by Charlie Spinks set in the Shattered Citadel Universe during the struggle for Korea during WW3.